Setting a CenturyLink C3000Z Modem/Router to Bridge Mode and using a Linksys Router

3 min readSep 5, 2020


A modem/router gateway (left) vs a router (right)
A modem/router gateway (left) vs a router (right)

What are the benefits to using your own router vs the router/modem(gateway) provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP)?


  • Better wireless coverage (Most legit routers actually have visible external antennas)
  • Better control over network for guest access, security and Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Routers usually have newer cutting edge technology


  • Using an ISP provided modem/router (gateway) gets you up and running faster
  • No need to buy and configure a router
  • One device, one power outlet, less cables

Call Century Link and have them email you your PPPOE username and password.

It should look something like this:

password: 123456

Note: @wjkaufman recommends plugging the router into port #1 of the Century Link C3000Z.

Once you have the username and password. Connect your laptop to the CenturyLink C3000Z device and navigate to

Login with your C3000Z username and password. If you don’t have these check for a sticker with the credentials on the device.

Disable Wi-Fi from C3000Z:

Navigate to Wireless Setup >
* 2.4GHz Wireless Radio > Disable
* 5GHz Wireless Radio > Disable

Go to Advanced Setup >WAN Settings > ISP Protocol > Transparent Bridging
You can leave the “Transport Mode” dropdown as “Tagged-201”.

Click Apply.

Unplug from the C3000Z and connect to your Linksys router. Mine is a MR8300 model.

Navigate to Router Settings > Connectivity > Internet Settings

Edit the “Type of Internet Connection”. Enter the PPPOE username and password.

Leave the VLAN ID option blank. This was the unexpected setting. I would set it to 201 to match what we configured on the C3000Z device and the Linksys router would not connect to the C3000Z device.

Click Apply.

This should be the final step. Now you can connect your C3000Z to your Linksys router and navigate the internet.


  • Unplug C3000Z and the Linksys router for 30 seconds. Plug power back in.
  • Check if your PPPOE credentials are working. Connect from your laptop to your C3000Z that is already in bridge mode via PPPOE. I have some screenshots on how to do it on a macbook.
Adding a PPPOE Network on a macbook
Successful connection via PPPOE

If you are not able to connect via PPPOE request your correct credentials.





Written by Alan

Software Engineer, Networking, Technology

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